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Definisjon: Mennesker eller retningslinjer som påvirker våre systemkrav.

Concept Number: ???
English Master: Stakeholder


Stakeholder Examples
Stakeholder Examples


Interessehavere: End-User.Bank-Customer:
Interessehavere: End-User.Music-Lover: Pleasure, Beauty, Choice,
Interessehavere: End-User.Lake "or the people interested in the lake": Oxygen, Algae, Bio-Diversity, Chemicals.
Interessehavere: Customer.Bank: Profit, Happy-Customers
Interessehavere: Customer.Music-Stereo-Developer: Market-Share, Reputation, Return-On-Investment
Interessehavere: Customer.Lake-Environmentalists: Learning, Happiness, Challenges, Public-Awareness
Interessehavere: Legal: Our Legal Department, Norwegian Law
Interessehavere: Competitor: Mean Inc.
Interessehavere: System: API of mother ship.


It is critical to identify the Stakeholders as they have the Requirements that our project potentially shall satisfy.

We can group Stakeholders or split one Stakeholder into two or more Stakeholders. For example, if we have two types of End Users, we could specify them together if they have similar Requirements or separately if they have different Requirements.

I examine each Stakeholder, and identify:
1) what each one wants to achieve, and
2) what we or our System can do to help them achieve it.
3) if we want to be in the business of meeting their needs.

Relaterte Konsepter

Krav, Interessehaver-Verdier, Interessehaver-Funksjon, Interessehaver-Nivå.

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