


A Success-Range is meeting the Goal Level or better.

Alternative Names

Concept Number: *548
English Master: Success-Range
Synonyms, Variations & Acronyms: none


The Success-Range is a target area, or Landing-Zone, that extends from a specified
Goal Level, to any better Level, and includes any stretch or Wish Levels.


Illustration: none




Using Keyed-Icons to relate Success-Range to other defined Concepts:

••••••• is Intolerable-Range, [ and ] survival limits, !!!!!!! is Failure-Range, = is Success-Range.
> = Goal, >+ is Stretch Target, >? Is Wish-Target (better than the Goal Level).


Note: A Success-Range is one or more ranges, depending on qualifiers, on a defined Scalar Attribute which are at or above the Planned-Level (Goal) and below any upper Tolerable-Limit – that is also to say within any Survival Limit. It includes relevant Stretch Levels and any relevant Wish Levels which are above the Goal Level. It specifically does not include the Tolerable-Range below the Goal Level.


[Success-Range, *548] >====>
Where the lower limit of the Success-Range is meeting the specified Goal (left >) Level. The upper limit of the Success-Range is denoted by the best extent of the Attribute (infinity, 100% or 0% as the nature of the Attribute may dictate) as iconically indicated by the Scale Attribute arrow tip at the right hand side of the icon above (>===>). The Success-Range specifically includes stretch and Wish-Target Levels.

Success-Range Concept suggested by L. Brodie Spring 2002 in her doughnut diagram.



• Failure-Range *546 Never in a Success-Range.
• Intolerable-Range *603 Never in a Success-Range
Tolerable-Range *545 Not a Failure or Intolerable-Range, but not as good as the Goal Level.
• Survival Limit *440 Defines the limit of a Success-Range.
Landing-Zone *605



This Concept entered by Lisa.

Created by system. Last Modification: Thursday 11 of July, 2019 20:52:12 CEST by Admin (Kai).

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