


A Stretch Parameter is used to define a somewhat more ambitious target Level than the committed Goal or Budget-Levels.

Alternative Names

Concept Number: *404
English Master: Stretch
Synonyms, Variations & Acronyms:
Stretch Target *404
Stretch Level *404 (see Level *337)
Outstanding [Intel, 2003]


A Stretch Level is specified on a defined Scale, under specified Conditions [time, place, event, Scale variables]. There is no commitment to deliver a Stretch Level. Stretch announces that there is some Stakeholder value at that Level, if we can find a practical or economic Solution to delivering it.




Parameter, Target.




1. The intention is that a Stretch target is challenging, even quite difficult to attain.
It is used in an attempt to inspire and motivate people to do their very best and to do something more than they would otherwise dare to do.

2. There is not a project commitment to attain a Stretch target. The technology to reach it may be unknown or unavailable. The technology could be too expensive at present to make it profitable to make this Level the Goal or Budget-Level. However, if without using any extra Resources, the project could reach a Stretch Level, it would be welcomed. It would have some potential Stakeholder value as a Result.

3. A Stretch Level specification can be a Resource-Target or a Performance-Target.


In Context: -->+->O-->+-->



Need *599
Target *048
Goal *109
Budget *480
Wish *244: Stretch is different from a Wish Level specification in that a Wish can be arbitrarily high (whatever seems useful value to a Stakeholder) without regard to costs or even technical possibility (They can't know).


This Concept was first used in Planguage by Pete Fuenfhausen, then at Nokia, Dallas, TX, September 1999

“Stretch is reaching for more than what you thought possible. …. In a stretch environment, the same field team is asked to come in with “operating plans” that reflect their dreams – the highest number they think they had a shot at: their “stretch”. The discussion revolves around new directions and growth, energizing stuff. …. We'll never stop “stretching”.”
Jack Welch former CEO General Electric, in “Jack: Straight from the Gut”
[WELCH01, pages 385-6]

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