


A term that serves to name and identify a statement, or set of statements, uniquely and unambiguously.

Alternative Names

Concept Number: *146
English Master: Tag
Synonyms, Variations & Acronyms: Name-Tag, Identifier-Name (informal use)


Tag Typography Rules:
1. Tags must always begin each alphabetic word with a Capital Letter.
2. User-defined tags are not allowed to be already defined Parameter terms in Planguage (such as Tolerable or Rationale).
3. Any useful typography including; Bold, Underline, ALL CAPITALS, color, or italics, may be agreed to be used to emphasize tags.
4. Tags made up of two or more words must be connected with a "-", like; Banjo-Style


Illustration: none


Optional Parameter


Reliability [USA, Retail-Dealers].
See Project Oasis.Requirements.Usability.Tolerable [USA, Retail-Dealers].

where the Tags are: Reliability, Retail-Dealers, Oasis.Requirements.Usability.Tolerable.


1. A local tag name is declared for any set of specification statements which needs a “unique identity” to enable local cross-referencing. It is a direct reference to the specific set of specification statements. For example, “Local Tag 3”. A local tag must be unique within the specification it is declared in, without needing hierarchical tag references or any other device to locate it.

2. Hierarchical tags help people navigate, and understand the Context of a specification. A hierarchical tag identifies a local tag name in some larger Context. It can also be used to resolve ambiguity amongst two or more identical, local tags. For example, A.B.Button.XY and C.D.Button.XY.

A hierarchical tag has a structure of Tag 1.Tag 2.Tag 3. … .Local Tag N.
Meaning Tag 3 is a subset of Tag 2. Tag 2 is a subset of Tag 1 – and that Local Tag N will be found in Tag 1”s location.

Hierarchical tags can have any useful number of Levels, no matter how many Levels are defined in total in a specification. You do not have to repeat the entire formal sequence of hierarchical tags - just specify enough to help find the local tag you are referring to, unambiguously.

3. One use for hierarchical tagging is to identify a specific Planguage statement. For example, Usability.Tolerable and Usability.Goal refer to the Parameters under the usability tag.

4. [Qualifier] Conditions can be used to differentiate amongst several equal terms. The Qualifier Conditions Act as an extension to the normal tag helping us to distinguish amongst different spaces within the Scope of the same tag name.








This Concept entered by Lisa.

Created by system. Last Modification: Thursday 11 of July, 2019 20:58:48 CEST by Admin (Kai).

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