
Testers Bill of Rights

Testers Bill of Rights

Please suggest your own Testers Bill of Rights!

  1. Testers have the right to unambiguous and clear Requirements, Qualities must be quantified.
  2. Testers have the right to be a party to setting the Quality levels of Process and documents inputs, and to their Product outputs.
  3. Testers have the right to Sample the Process and Document inputs, and to reject inputs of poor Quality.
  4. Testers have the right to test evolutionarily; early as the System increments.
  5. Testers have the right to an even workload, adequate Resources, and to have a life.
  6. Testers have the right to specify the potential consequences of products that they have not been allowed to test properly.
  7. Testers have the right to not clean up sloppy Work by others, but to test for compliance to Requirements.


Click here to download a high Quality pdf Version for printing.

Testers Bill of Rights - Japanese


Click here to download a high Quality Japanese pdf Version for printing.

Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 10 of September, 2008 09:05:43 CEST by Kai Thomas Gilb.

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